International Summer School


Welcome to our annual Summer Event that revolves around the international cooperation with various Universities of Applied Science, to foster the exchange of knowledge, experiences and scientific methods in the fields of Social Work, Health Education and Technology. For Information and impressions regarding previous Summer School events, check the Documentation/Archive tab. 




 The International Summer School offers:


- Intercultural exchange in the fields of social sciences, technology and health research


- Exclusive seminars with experts in their respective fields


- The opportunity to take part in science related field visits


- A valuable certificate to further substantiate your expertise in the field of your studies 


- Either 3 or 5 ECTS credits that can be counted towards your degree 


- sightseeing tours and student get-togethers 




To apply for the International Summer School please fill out the registration form on our application page, that goes online between February-July. If you have general questions or want to convey your interest for participating in the next Summer School, you can write us a Mail to the address below.




Alice-Salomon-Platz 5

12627 Berlin




Telephone: 017623499154

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